Statele Unite ale Americii
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California BerkeleyZellerbach HallBerkeleySan Francisco, Oakland, CaliforniaClaremontBridges Auditorium - Pomona CollegeClaremontla, los angeles, l.a.Costa MesaSegerstrom Center for the ArtsCosta Mesala, los angeles, l.a.Downtown Los AngelesThe Music Center's Dorothy Chandler PavilionDowntown Los Angeleslos angeles, la, l.a.EscondidoCalifornia Center for the Arts, EscondidoEscondidosd, escondido, san diegoFolsomHarris CenterFolsomFresnoWilliam Saroyan TheatreFresnoFresnoHollywoodDOLBY THEATREHollywoodla, los angelesLong BeachTerrace TheaterLong Beachla, los angelesModestoGallo Center for the Arts – Mary Stuart Rogers TheaterModestoNorthridgeYounes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing ArtsNorthridgela, los angelesRiversideFox Performing Arts CenterRiversideSacramentoSAFE Credit Union Performing Arts CenterSacramentoSan DiegoSan Diego Civic TheatreSan DiegoSan DiegoSan FranciscoWar Memorial Opera HouseSan FranciscoSan JoseCenter for the Performing ArtsSan JoseSan Luis ObispoPerforming Arts Center San Luis ObispoSan Luis ObispoThousand OaksThousand Oaks Civic Arts PlazaThousand Oaksla, los angeles
- Colorado Colorado SpringsPikes Peak Center for the Performing ArtsColorado SpringsDenverThe Buell TheatreDenver
- Connecticut
- Florida Fort LauderdaleBroward Center for the Performing Arts – Au-Rene TheatreFort LauderdaleJacksonvilleJacksonville Center for the Performing ArtsJacksonvilleJacksonville/Orange ParkThrasher-Horne Center at St. Johns River State CollegeJacksonville/Orange ParkLakelandYoukey Theatre, RP Funding CenterLakelandMiamiAdrienne Arsht Center for the Performing ArtsMiamiSt. Petersburg/TampaDuke Energy Center for the Arts – Mahaffey TheaterSt. Petersburg/Tampast pete, st. petersburg, tampaVeniceVenice Performing Arts CenterVeniceWest Palm BeachKravis Center for the Performing Arts–Dreyfoos HallWest Palm Beach
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois ChicagoCivic Opera HouseChicagoChicago, illinois, chicagoRockfordCoronado TheatreRockfordRockfordRosemontRosemont TheatreRosemontUniversity ParkCenter for Performing Arts at Governors State UniversityUniversity Parkuniversity-park
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Missouri Kansas CityKauffman Center for the Performing Arts - Muriel Kauffman TheatreKansas CitykcSpringfieldJuanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing ArtsSpringfieldSt. LouisStifel Theatre (Formerly Peabody Opera House)St. Louis
- Nevada
- New Jersey New BrunswickState Theatre New JerseyNew BrunswickNewarkNew Jersey Performing Arts CenterNewarknj, new jersey, newjersey
- New York Albany / SchenectadyProctorsAlbany / SchenectadyNew York CityThe David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln CenterNew York Citynyc, new york, newyork, nySyracuseThe Oncenter Crouse Hinds TheaterSyracuse
- North Carolina CharlotteBelk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts CenterCharlotteGreensboroSteven Tanger Center for the Performing ArtsGreensboroRaleighMemorial Auditorium at Martin Marietta Center for the Performing ArtsRaleigh
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania PhiladelphiaMiller TheaterPhiladelphiaPittsburghThe Benedum Center for the Performing ArtsPittsburghPitts, Pittsburgh
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina CharlestonNorth Charleston Performing Arts CenterCharlestonSpartanburgSpartanburg Memorial AuditoriumSpartanburgspartanburg
- Tennessee
- Texas AmarilloAmarillo Civic CenterAmarilloAustinThe Long Center for the Performing ArtsAustinBeaumontJulie Rogers TheatreBeaumontCollege StationRudder AuditoriumCollege StationCorpus ChristiAmerican Bank Center Selena AuditoriumCorpus ChristiDallasEisemann CenterDallasDallasMusic Hall at Fair ParkDallasEl PasoThe Plaza TheatreEl Pasoel-pasoHouston-CypressCFISD Visual and Performing Arts CenterHouston-CypressHouston-DowntownJones Hall for the Performing ArtsHouston-DowntownMcAllenMcAllen Performing Arts CenterMcAllenSan AntonioTobin Center for the Performing ArtsSan Antonio
- Utah
- Washington
- Washington DC Washington DCThe Kennedy Center Opera HouseWashington DCDC, Washington, Washington DC, D.C., Virginia, Maryland, washington, dc, d.c.
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Austria
- Cehia
- Danemarca
- Elveția
- Franța Aix-En-ProvenceGrand Theatre de ProvenceAix-En-ProvenceAmnévilleGalaxie AmnévilleAmnévilleBordeauxArkea ArenaBordeauxDijonZenith de DijonDijonEckbolsheimZénith de StrasbourgEckbolsheimLyonL'Amphithéâtre 3000LyonMontpellierLE CORUMMontpellierNantesCité des Congrès de NantesNantesParisPalais des Congrès de ParisParisToulonZenith de ToulonToulonToulouseZénith Toulouse MétropoleToulouseToursPalais des Congrès de ToursTours
- Germania BerlinTheater am Potsdamer PlatzBerlingermanyBerlinGuest Performance at Deutsche Oper BerlinBerlingermanyDortmundTheater DortmundDortmunddortmundFrankfurt am MainJahrhunderthalle FrankfurtFrankfurt am MainFüssenFestspielhaus NeuschwansteinFüssenLeipzigOper LeipzigLeipzigLudwigsburgForum am SchlossparkLudwigsburgMülheim an der RuhrStadthalle Mülheim an der Ruhr – TheatersaalMülheim an der Ruhr
- Italia
- Letonia
- Norvegia
- Polonia
- Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii BirminghamThe ICC Birmingham–Hall 1BirminghamBournemouthBournemouth Pavilion TheatreBournemouthBristolBristol HippodromeBristolEdinburghEdinburgh PlayhouseEdinburghGlasgowSEC ArmadilloGlasgowLlandudnoVenue CymruLlandudnoLondraEventim ApolloLondrauk, United KingdomManchesterPalace TheatreManchestermanchesterNorthamptonRoyal & DerngateNorthamptonOxfordNew TheatreOxfordStoke-on-TrentRegent TheatreStoke-on-TrentWokingNew Victoria TheatreWokingwoking
- Spania MurciaAuditorio Víctor VillegasMurciaPamplonaBaluartePamplonaSan Lorenzo de El EscorialTeatro Auditorio San Lorenzo de El EscorialSan Lorenzo de El EscorialSant Cugat Del VallèsTeatre Auditori Sant CugatSant Cugat Del VallèsSevillaCartuja Center CiteSevillaValenciaCentro de artes escénicas en Valencia, Palau de les ArtsValenciaÁvilaLienzo NorteÁvila
- Suedia
- Țările de Jos
- Alberta
- Columbia Britanică
- Ontario HamiltonFirstOntario Concert HallHamiltonKitchenerCentre In The SquareKitchenerMississaugaLiving Arts CentreMississaugaOttawaNational Arts Centre (NAC)OttawaTorontoFour Seasons Centre for the Performing ArtsToronto
- Japonia HachiojiJ:COM Hall HachiojiHachiojiKyotoROHM Theatre KyotoKyotokyotoNagoyaAichi Prefectural Art TheaterNagoyaNishinomiyaHyogo Performing Arts CenterNishinomiyaOsakaSky Theater MBSOsakaSaitamaOmiya Sonic CitySaitamaSakaiSakai Performing Arts Center (Fenice Sacay)SakaiSakaiTokyo (Bunkyo)Bunkyo Civic HallTokyo (Bunkyo)Tokyo (Shibuya)LINE CUBE SHIBUYATokyo (Shibuya)Tokyo (Ueno)Tokyo Bunka KaikanTokyo (Ueno)
- Taiwan ChanghuaYuanlin Performing Arts HallChanghuaChiayiChiayi Performing Arts CenterChiayiKaohsiungWeiwuying Opera HouseKaohsiungKeelungPerformance Hall, Keelung Performing Arts CenterKeelungTaichungTaichung City Chung Shan HallTaichungTainanTainan Cultural Center Performing HallTainanTaipeiTaipei Performing Arts CenterTaipeiTaoyuanTaoyuan Arts CenterTaoyuan
Australia & Noua Zeelandă
- Australia Gold CoastHOTA Home of the ArtsGold CoastMelbourneMelbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Plenary TheatreMelbourneSydneyCapitol TheatreSydney
- Noua Zeelandă
America latină
- Argentina
- Brazilia
- Mexic GuadalajaraConjunto Santande Artes Escenicas, Universidad de GuadalajaraGuadalajaraMexico CityAuditorio NacionalMexico City
Statele Unite ale Americii
Albany / Schenectady, NY
ProctorsAlbany / Schenectady
Amarillo, TX
Amarillo Civic CenterAmarillo
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Symphony HallAtlantaatl
Atlanta, GA
Cobb Energy Performing Arts CentreAtlantaatl
Augusta, GA
Columbia County Performing Arts CenterAugusta
Austin, TX
The Long Center for the Performing ArtsAustin
Baltimore, MD
The Hippodrome TheatreBaltimoreWashington, Washington DC, D.C., DC
Baton Rouge, LA
Baton Rouge River Center TheatreBaton Rouge
Beaumont, TX
Julie Rogers TheatreBeaumont
Berkeley, CA
Zellerbach HallBerkeleySan Francisco, Oakland, California
Birmingham, AL
BJCC Concert HallBirmingham
Boise, ID
Morrison Center for the Performing ArtsBoiseBoise
Boston, MA
Boch Center Wang TheatreBoston
Charleston, SC
North Charleston Performing Arts CenterCharleston
Charlotte, NC
Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts CenterCharlotte
Cheyenne, WY
Cheyenne Civic CenterCheyenne
Chicago, IL
Civic Opera HouseChicagoChicago, illinois, chicago
Cincinnati, OH
Aronoff Center for the ArtsCincinnati
Claremont, CA
Bridges Auditorium - Pomona CollegeClaremontla, los angeles, l.a.
College Station, TX
Rudder AuditoriumCollege Station
Colorado Springs, CO
Pikes Peak Center for the Performing ArtsColorado Springs
Corpus Christi, TX
American Bank Center Selena AuditoriumCorpus Christi
Costa Mesa, CA
Segerstrom Center for the ArtsCosta Mesala, los angeles, l.a.
Dallas, TX
Eisemann CenterDallas
Dallas, TX
Music Hall at Fair ParkDallas
Denver, CO
The Buell TheatreDenver
Des Moines, IA
Des Moines Civic CenterDes MoinesDes Moines
Detroit, MI
Detroit Opera HouseDetroit
Downtown Los Angeles, CA
The Music Center's Dorothy Chandler PavilionDowntown Los Angeleslos angeles, la, l.a.
El Paso, TX
The Plaza TheatreEl Pasoel-paso
Escondido, CA
California Center for the Arts, EscondidoEscondidosd, escondido, san diego
Eugene, OR
Hult CenterEugene
Folsom, CA
Harris CenterFolsom
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Broward Center for the Performing Arts – Au-Rene TheatreFort Lauderdale
Fort Smith, AR
Fort Smith Convention Center - ArcBest Corporation Performing Arts CenterFort Smith
Fresno, CA
William Saroyan TheatreFresnoFresno
Greensboro, NC
Steven Tanger Center for the Performing ArtsGreensboro
Hollywood, CA
DOLBY THEATREHollywoodla, los angeles
Honolulu, HI
Blaisdell Concert HallHonolulu
Houston-Cypress, TX
CFISD Visual and Performing Arts CenterHouston-Cypress
Houston-Downtown, TX
Jones Hall for the Performing ArtsHouston-Downtown
Huntsville, AL
Von Braun Center Concert HallHuntsville
Indianapolis, IN
Clowes Memorial Hall, Butler Arts CenterIndianapolis
Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville Center for the Performing ArtsJacksonville
Jacksonville/Orange Park, FL
Thrasher-Horne Center at St. Johns River State CollegeJacksonville/Orange Park
Kansas City, MO
Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts - Muriel Kauffman TheatreKansas Citykc
Lakeland, FL
Youkey Theatre, RP Funding CenterLakeland
Las Vegas, NV
The Smith Center for the Performing ArtsLas Vegas
Long Beach, CA
Terrace TheaterLong Beachla, los angeles
Louisville, KY
Kentucky Center, Whitney HallLouisville
Madison, WI
Overture Center for the ArtsMadison
McAllen, TX
McAllen Performing Arts CenterMcAllen
Memphis, TN
Cannon Center for the Performing ArtsMemphis
Mesa, AZ
Ikeda Theater at Mesa Arts CenterMesa
Miami, FL
Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing ArtsMiami
Milwaukee, WI
Miller High Life TheatreMilwaukee
Modesto, CA
Gallo Center for the Arts – Mary Stuart Rogers TheaterModesto
New Brunswick, NJ
State Theatre New JerseyNew Brunswick
New York City, NY
The David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln CenterNew York Citynyc, new york, newyork, ny
Newark, NJ
New Jersey Performing Arts CenterNewarknj, new jersey, newjersey
Northridge, CA
Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing ArtsNorthridgela, los angeles
Oklahoma City, OK
OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center TheaterOklahoma City
Philadelphia, PA
Miller TheaterPhiladelphia
Phoenix, AZ
Symphony HallPhoenix
Pittsburgh, PA
The Benedum Center for the Performing ArtsPittsburghPitts, Pittsburgh
Portland, OR
Keller AuditoriumPortland
Portland, ME
Merrill AuditoriumPortland
Providence, RI
Providence Performing Arts CenterProvidence
Raleigh, NC
Memorial Auditorium at Martin Marietta Center for the Performing ArtsRaleigh
Riverside, CA
Fox Performing Arts CenterRiverside
Rockford, IL
Coronado TheatreRockfordRockford
Rosemont, IL
Rosemont TheatreRosemont
Sacramento, CA
SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts CenterSacramento
Salt Lake City, UT
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles TheaterSalt Lake CitySalt Lake City
San Antonio, TX
Tobin Center for the Performing ArtsSan Antonio
San Diego, CA
San Diego Civic TheatreSan DiegoSan Diego
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera HouseSan Francisco
San Jose, CA
Center for the Performing ArtsSan Jose
San Juan, PR
Centro de Bellas Artes Luis A FerréSan Juan
San Luis Obispo, CA
Performing Arts Center San Luis ObispoSan Luis Obispo
Savannah, GA
Johnny Mercer Theatre at Savannah Civic CenterSavannahsavannah
Seattle, WA
Marion Oliver McCaw HallSeattle
Spartanburg, SC
Spartanburg Memorial AuditoriumSpartanburgspartanburg
Spokane, WA
First Interstate Center for the ArtsSpokane
Springfield, MO
Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing ArtsSpringfield
St. Louis, MO
Stifel Theatre (Formerly Peabody Opera House)St. Louis
St. Petersburg/Tampa, FL
Duke Energy Center for the Arts – Mahaffey TheaterSt. Petersburg/Tampast pete, st. petersburg, tampa
Stamford, CT
The Palace TheatreStamford
Syracuse, NY
The Oncenter Crouse Hinds TheaterSyracuse
Thousand Oaks, CA
Thousand Oaks Civic Arts PlazaThousand Oaksla, los angeles
Tucson, AZ
Linda Ronstadt Music HallTucsonTucson
University Park, IL
Center for Performing Arts at Governors State UniversityUniversity Parkuniversity-park
Venice, FL
Venice Performing Arts CenterVenice
Washington, D.C.
The Kennedy Center Opera HouseWashington, D.C.DC, Washington, Washington DC, D.C., Virginia, Maryland, washington, dc, d.c.
Waterbury, CT
Palace TheaterWaterbury
West Palm Beach, FL
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts–Dreyfoos HallWest Palm Beach
Worcester, MA
The Hanover TheatreWorcester
Aix-En-Provence, Franța
Grand Theatre de ProvenceAix-en-Provence
Amnéville, Franța
Galaxie AmnévilleAmnéville
Amsterdam, Țările de Jos
RAI TheaterAmsterdam
Ancona, Italia
Teatro delle MuseAncona
Ávila, Spania
Lienzo NorteÁvila
Bari, Italia
Teatro PetruzzelliBari
Basel, Elveția
Musical Theater BaselBasel
Bergamo, Italia
Teatro DonizettiBergamo
Bergen, Norvegia
Grieghallen, GriegsalenBergen
Berlin, Germania
Theater am Potsdamer PlatzBerlin
Berlin, Germania
Guest Performance at Deutsche Oper BerlinBerlin
Białystok, Polonia
Podlaska Opera and OrchestraBiałystok
Birmingham, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
The ICC Birmingham–Hall 1Birmingham (UK)
Bordeaux, Franța
Arkea ArenaBordeaux
Bournemouth, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Bournemouth Pavilion TheatreBournemouth
Bristol, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Bristol HippodromeBristol
Cagliari, Italia
Teatro LiricoCagliari
Dijon, Franța
Zenith de DijonDijon
Dortmund, Germania
Theater DortmundDortmund
Eckbolsheim, Franța
Zénith de StrasbourgEckbolsheim
Edinburgh, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Edinburgh PlayhouseEdinburgh
Florența, Italia
Teatro del Maggio Musicale FiorentinoFlorence
Frankfurt am Main, Germania
Jahrhunderthalle FrankfurtFrankfurt
Füssen, Germania
Festspielhaus NeuschwansteinFüssen
Glasgow, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
SEC ArmadilloGlasgow
Groningen, Țările de Jos
Lausanne, Elveția
Théâtre de BeaulieuLausanne
Leipzig, Germania
Oper LeipzigLeipzig
Linköping, Suedia
Konsert & KongressLinköping
Llandudno, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Venue CymruLlandudno
Londra, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Eventim ApolloLondon
Lublin, Polonia
The Centre for the Meeting of Cultures - Opera HallLublin
Ludwigsburg, Germania
Forum am SchlossparkLudwigsburg
Lyon, Franța
L'Amphithéâtre 3000Lyon
Manchester, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Palace TheatreManchester
Milano, Italia
Teatro degli ArcimboldiMilan
Montpellier, Franța
LE CORUMMontpellier
Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germania
Stadthalle Mülheim an der Ruhr – TheatersaalMülheim an der Ruhr
Murcia, Spania
Auditorio Víctor VillegasMurcia
Nantes, Franța
Cité des Congrès de NantesNantes
Northampton, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Royal & DerngateNorthampton
Odense, Danemarca
Oxford, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
New TheatreOxford
Pamplona, Spania
Paris, Franța
Palais des Congrès de ParisParis
Praga, Cehia
Prague Congress CenterPrague
Riga, Letonia
Dailes Theatre, Big hallRiga
Roma, Italia
Teatro dell’Opera di RomaRome
Salzburg, Austria
Großes FestspielhausSalzburg
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spania
Teatro Auditorio San Lorenzo de El EscorialSan Lorenzo de El Escorial
Sant Cugat Del Vallès, Spania
Teatre Auditori Sant CugatSant Cugat
Sevilla, Spania
Cartuja Center CiteSevilla
Stockholm, Suedia
Cirkus ArenaStockholm
Stoke-on-Trent, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Regent TheatreStoke-on-Trent
Haga, Țările de Jos
World Forum TheaterThe Hague
Haga, Țările de Jos
World Forum TheaterThe Hague
Torino, Italia
Teatro Regio TorinoTorino
Toulon, Franța
Zenith de ToulonToulon
Toulouse, Franța
Zénith Toulouse MétropoleToulouse
Tours, Franța
Palais des Congrès de ToursTours
Valencia, Spania
Centro de artes escénicas en Valencia, Palau de les ArtsValencia
Viena, Austria
Wiener Stadthalle, Halle FVienna
Woking, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
New Victoria TheatreWoking
Łódź, Polonia
Calgary, AB
Southern Alberta Jubilee AuditoriumCalgary
Edmonton, AB
Northern Alberta Jubilee AuditoriumEdmonton
Hamilton, ON
FirstOntario Concert HallHamilton
Kitchener, ON
Centre In The SquareKitchener
Mississauga, ON
Living Arts CentreMississauga
Montréal, QC
Place des Arts - Salle Wilfrid-PelletierMontreal
Ottawa, ON
National Arts Centre (NAC)Ottawa
Toronto, ON
Four Seasons Centre for the Performing ArtsToronto
Vancouver, BC
Queen Elizabeth TheatreVancouver
Changhua, Taiwan
Yuanlin Performing Arts HallChanghua
Chiayi, Taiwan
Chiayi Performing Arts CenterChiayi
Hachioji, Japonia
J:COM Hall HachiojiHachioji
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Weiwuying Opera HouseKaohsiung
Keelung, Taiwan
Performance Hall, Keelung Performing Arts CenterKeelung
Kyoto, Japonia
ROHM Theatre KyotoKyoto
Nagoya, Japonia
Aichi Prefectural Art TheaterNagoya
Nishinomiya, Japonia
Hyogo Performing Arts CenterNishinomiya
Osaka, Japonia
Sky Theater MBSOsaka
Saitama, Japonia
Omiya Sonic CitySaitama
Sakai, Japonia
Sakai Performing Arts Center (Fenice Sacay)Sakai
Taichung, Taiwan
Taichung City Chung Shan HallTaichung
Tainan, Taiwan
Tainan Cultural Center Performing HallTainan
Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei Performing Arts CenterTaipei
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Taoyuan Arts CenterTaoyuan
Tokyo (Bunkyo), Japonia
Bunkyo Civic HallTokyo (Bunkyo)
Tokyo (Shibuya), Japonia
Tokyo (Ueno), Japonia
Tokyo Bunka KaikanTokyo (Ueno)
Australia & Noua Zeelandă
Auckland, Noua Zeelandă
Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre, Aotea CentreAuckland
Gold Coast, Australia
HOTA Home of the ArtsGold Coast
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Plenary TheatreMelbourne
Sydney, Australia
Capitol TheatreSydney
America latină
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Teatro ÓperaBuenos Aires
Guadalajara, Mexic
Conjunto Santande Artes Escenicas, Universidad de GuadalajaraGuadalajara
Mexico City, Mexic
Auditorio NacionalMexico City
Porto Alegre, Brazilia
Teatro FIERGSPorto Alegre
São Paulo, Brazilia
Bradesco TheaterSão Paulo
Statele Unite ale Americii
Phoenix, AZ
Symphony HallPhoenix
Stamford, CT
The Palace TheatreStamford
Spokane, WA
First Interstate Center for the ArtsSpokane
Syracuse, NY
The Oncenter Crouse Hinds TheaterSyracuse
Savannah, GA
Johnny Mercer Theatre at Savannah Civic CenterSavannahsavannah
Kansas City, MO
Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts - Muriel Kauffman TheatreKansas Citykc
Huntsville, AL
Von Braun Center Concert HallHuntsville
Escondido, CA
California Center for the Arts, EscondidoEscondidosd, escondido, san diego
Des Moines, IA
Des Moines Civic CenterDes MoinesDes Moines
Baltimore, MD
The Hippodrome TheatreBaltimoreWashington, Washington DC, D.C., DC
St. Louis, MO
Stifel Theatre (Formerly Peabody Opera House)St. Louis
Birmingham, AL
BJCC Concert HallBirmingham
Salt Lake City, UT
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles TheaterSalt Lake CitySalt Lake City
West Palm Beach, FL
Kravis Center for the Performing Arts–Dreyfoos HallWest Palm Beach
Fort Smith, AR
Fort Smith Convention Center - ArcBest Corporation Performing Arts CenterFort Smith
Indianapolis, IN
Clowes Memorial Hall, Butler Arts CenterIndianapolis
Long Beach, CA
Terrace TheaterLong Beachla, los angeles
New Brunswick, NJ
State Theatre New JerseyNew Brunswick
Thousand Oaks, CA
Thousand Oaks Civic Arts PlazaThousand Oaksla, los angeles
Cheyenne, WY
Cheyenne Civic CenterCheyenne
Rockford, IL
Coronado TheatreRockfordRockford
New York City, NY
The David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln CenterNew York Citynyc, new york, newyork, ny
Colorado Springs, CO
Pikes Peak Center for the Performing ArtsColorado Springs
Worcester, MA
The Hanover TheatreWorcester
Claremont, CA
Bridges Auditorium - Pomona CollegeClaremontla, los angeles, l.a.
Portland, ME
Merrill AuditoriumPortland
Denver, CO
The Buell TheatreDenver
Seattle, WA
Marion Oliver McCaw HallSeattle
Boston, MA
Boch Center Wang TheatreBoston
Northridge, CA
Younes and Soraya Nazarian Center for the Performing ArtsNorthridgela, los angeles
University Park, IL
Center for Performing Arts at Governors State UniversityUniversity Parkuniversity-park
San Diego, CA
San Diego Civic TheatreSan DiegoSan Diego
Charlotte, NC
Belk Theater at Blumenthal Performing Arts CenterCharlotte
Costa Mesa, CA
Segerstrom Center for the ArtsCosta Mesala, los angeles, l.a.
Charleston, SC
North Charleston Performing Arts CenterCharleston
Albany / Schenectady, NY
ProctorsAlbany / Schenectady
Riverside, CA
Fox Performing Arts CenterRiverside
Rosemont, IL
Rosemont TheatreRosemont
Pittsburgh, PA
The Benedum Center for the Performing ArtsPittsburghPitts, Pittsburgh
San Luis Obispo, CA
Performing Arts Center San Luis ObispoSan Luis Obispo
Louisville, KY
Kentucky Center, Whitney HallLouisville
Newark, NJ
New Jersey Performing Arts CenterNewarknj, new jersey, newjersey
Chicago, IL
Civic Opera HouseChicagoChicago, illinois, chicago
Hollywood, CA
DOLBY THEATREHollywoodla, los angeles
Spartanburg, SC
Spartanburg Memorial AuditoriumSpartanburgspartanburg
Philadelphia, PA
Miller TheaterPhiladelphia
Honolulu, HI
Blaisdell Concert HallHonolulu
Providence, RI
Providence Performing Arts CenterProvidence
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Symphony HallAtlantaatl
San Jose, CA
Center for the Performing ArtsSan Jose
Austin, TX
The Long Center for the Performing ArtsAustin
Waterbury, CT
Palace TheaterWaterbury
San Antonio, TX
Tobin Center for the Performing ArtsSan Antonio
San Francisco, CA
War Memorial Opera HouseSan Francisco
Dallas, TX
Eisemann CenterDallas
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Broward Center for the Performing Arts – Au-Rene TheatreFort Lauderdale
Modesto, CA
Gallo Center for the Arts – Mary Stuart Rogers TheaterModesto
Amarillo, TX
Amarillo Civic CenterAmarillo
Augusta, GA
Columbia County Performing Arts CenterAugusta
Beaumont, TX
Julie Rogers TheatreBeaumont
Berkeley, CA
Zellerbach HallBerkeleySan Francisco, Oakland, California
Miami, FL
Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing ArtsMiami
Baton Rouge, LA
Baton Rouge River Center TheatreBaton Rouge
Lakeland, FL
Youkey Theatre, RP Funding CenterLakeland
Folsom, CA
Harris CenterFolsom
Greensboro, NC
Steven Tanger Center for the Performing ArtsGreensboro
St. Petersburg/Tampa, FL
Duke Energy Center for the Arts – Mahaffey TheaterSt. Petersburg/Tampast pete, st. petersburg, tampa
Downtown Los Angeles, CA
The Music Center's Dorothy Chandler PavilionDowntown Los Angeleslos angeles, la, l.a.
Raleigh, NC
Memorial Auditorium at Martin Marietta Center for the Performing ArtsRaleigh
Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville Center for the Performing ArtsJacksonville
Portland, OR
Keller AuditoriumPortland
Dallas, TX
Music Hall at Fair ParkDallas
Venice, FL
Venice Performing Arts CenterVenice
Eugene, OR
Hult CenterEugene
Houston-Downtown, TX
Jones Hall for the Performing ArtsHouston-Downtown
Jacksonville/Orange Park, FL
Thrasher-Horne Center at St. Johns River State CollegeJacksonville/Orange Park
Sacramento, CA
SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts CenterSacramento
Atlanta, GA
Cobb Energy Performing Arts CentreAtlantaatl
Fresno, CA
William Saroyan TheatreFresnoFresno
College Station, TX
Rudder AuditoriumCollege Station
Detroit, MI
Detroit Opera HouseDetroit
San Juan, PR
Centro de Bellas Artes Luis A FerréSan Juan
Tucson, AZ
Linda Ronstadt Music HallTucsonTucson
Mesa, AZ
Ikeda Theater at Mesa Arts CenterMesa
Springfield, MO
Juanita K. Hammons Hall for the Performing ArtsSpringfield
Cincinnati, OH
Aronoff Center for the ArtsCincinnati
Houston-Cypress, TX
CFISD Visual and Performing Arts CenterHouston-Cypress
El Paso, TX
The Plaza TheatreEl Pasoel-paso
Memphis, TN
Cannon Center for the Performing ArtsMemphis
Madison, WI
Overture Center for the ArtsMadison
Washington, D.C.
The Kennedy Center Opera HouseWashington, D.C.DC, Washington, Washington DC, D.C., Virginia, Maryland, washington, dc, d.c.
Milwaukee, WI
Miller High Life TheatreMilwaukee
Oklahoma City, OK
OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center TheaterOklahoma City
Corpus Christi, TX
American Bank Center Selena AuditoriumCorpus Christi
Las Vegas, NV
The Smith Center for the Performing ArtsLas Vegas
McAllen, TX
McAllen Performing Arts CenterMcAllen
Boise, ID
Morrison Center for the Performing ArtsBoiseBoise
Montpellier, Franța
LE CORUMMontpellier
Leipzig, Germania
Oper LeipzigLeipzig
Pamplona, Spania
Valencia, Spania
Centro de artes escénicas en Valencia, Palau de les ArtsValencia
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spania
Teatro Auditorio San Lorenzo de El EscorialSan Lorenzo de El Escorial
Sevilla, Spania
Cartuja Center CiteSevilla
Berlin, Germania
Guest Performance at Deutsche Oper BerlinBerlin
Füssen, Germania
Festspielhaus NeuschwansteinFüssen
Toulon, Franța
Zenith de ToulonToulon
Dortmund, Germania
Theater DortmundDortmund
Amnéville, Franța
Galaxie AmnévilleAmnéville
Bergen, Norvegia
Grieghallen, GriegsalenBergen
Paris, Franța
Palais des Congrès de ParisParis
Stockholm, Suedia
Cirkus ArenaStockholm
Lyon, Franța
L'Amphithéâtre 3000Lyon
Linköping, Suedia
Konsert & KongressLinköping
Odense, Danemarca
Praga, Cehia
Prague Congress CenterPrague
Florența, Italia
Teatro del Maggio Musicale FiorentinoFlorence
Białystok, Polonia
Podlaska Opera and OrchestraBiałystok
Cagliari, Italia
Teatro LiricoCagliari
Aix-En-Provence, Franța
Grand Theatre de ProvenceAix-en-Provence
Birmingham, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
The ICC Birmingham–Hall 1Birmingham (UK)
Riga, Letonia
Dailes Theatre, Big hallRiga
Londra, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Eventim ApolloLondon
Torino, Italia
Teatro Regio TorinoTorino
Toulouse, Franța
Zénith Toulouse MétropoleToulouse
Lublin, Polonia
The Centre for the Meeting of Cultures - Opera HallLublin
Milano, Italia
Teatro degli ArcimboldiMilan
Manchester, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Palace TheatreManchester
Haga, Țările de Jos
World Forum TheaterThe Hague
Łódź, Polonia
Eckbolsheim, Franța
Zénith de StrasbourgEckbolsheim
Oxford, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
New TheatreOxford
Bergamo, Italia
Teatro DonizettiBergamo
Viena, Austria
Wiener Stadthalle, Halle FVienna
Bordeaux, Franța
Arkea ArenaBordeaux
Ancona, Italia
Teatro delle MuseAncona
Stoke-on-Trent, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Regent TheatreStoke-on-Trent
Berlin, Germania
Theater am Potsdamer PlatzBerlin
Edinburgh, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Edinburgh PlayhouseEdinburgh
Roma, Italia
Teatro dell’Opera di RomaRome
Dijon, Franța
Zenith de DijonDijon
Woking, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
New Victoria TheatreWoking
Frankfurt am Main, Germania
Jahrhunderthalle FrankfurtFrankfurt
Bari, Italia
Teatro PetruzzelliBari
Llandudno, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Venue CymruLlandudno
Tours, Franța
Palais des Congrès de ToursTours
Bournemouth, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Bournemouth Pavilion TheatreBournemouth
Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germania
Stadthalle Mülheim an der Ruhr – TheatersaalMülheim an der Ruhr
Basel, Elveția
Musical Theater BaselBasel
Northampton, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Royal & DerngateNorthampton
Haga, Țările de Jos
World Forum TheaterThe Hague
Nantes, Franța
Cité des Congrès de NantesNantes
Bristol, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
Bristol HippodromeBristol
Lausanne, Elveția
Théâtre de BeaulieuLausanne
Amsterdam, Țările de Jos
RAI TheaterAmsterdam
Groningen, Țările de Jos
Ávila, Spania
Lienzo NorteÁvila
Glasgow, Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii
SEC ArmadilloGlasgow
Salzburg, Austria
Großes FestspielhausSalzburg
Murcia, Spania
Auditorio Víctor VillegasMurcia
Ludwigsburg, Germania
Forum am SchlossparkLudwigsburg
Sant Cugat Del Vallès, Spania
Teatre Auditori Sant CugatSant Cugat
Mississauga, ON
Living Arts CentreMississauga
Kitchener, ON
Centre In The SquareKitchener
Toronto, ON
Four Seasons Centre for the Performing ArtsToronto
Vancouver, BC
Queen Elizabeth TheatreVancouver
Montréal, QC
Place des Arts - Salle Wilfrid-PelletierMontreal
Hamilton, ON
FirstOntario Concert HallHamilton
Calgary, AB
Southern Alberta Jubilee AuditoriumCalgary
Edmonton, AB
Northern Alberta Jubilee AuditoriumEdmonton
Ottawa, ON
National Arts Centre (NAC)Ottawa
Keelung, Taiwan
Performance Hall, Keelung Performing Arts CenterKeelung
Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei Performing Arts CenterTaipei
Taichung, Taiwan
Taichung City Chung Shan HallTaichung
Chiayi, Taiwan
Chiayi Performing Arts CenterChiayi
Tainan, Taiwan
Tainan Cultural Center Performing HallTainan
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Weiwuying Opera HouseKaohsiung
Changhua, Taiwan
Yuanlin Performing Arts HallChanghua
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Taoyuan Arts CenterTaoyuan
Nagoya, Japonia
Aichi Prefectural Art TheaterNagoya
Kyoto, Japonia
ROHM Theatre KyotoKyoto
Nishinomiya, Japonia
Hyogo Performing Arts CenterNishinomiya
Sakai, Japonia
Sakai Performing Arts Center (Fenice Sacay)Sakai
Saitama, Japonia
Omiya Sonic CitySaitama
Tokyo (Shibuya), Japonia
Hachioji, Japonia
J:COM Hall HachiojiHachioji
Tokyo (Bunkyo), Japonia
Bunkyo Civic HallTokyo (Bunkyo)
Tokyo (Ueno), Japonia
Tokyo Bunka KaikanTokyo (Ueno)
Osaka, Japonia
Sky Theater MBSOsaka
Australia & Noua Zeelandă
Gold Coast, Australia
HOTA Home of the ArtsGold Coast
Melbourne, Australia
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Plenary TheatreMelbourne
Auckland, Noua Zeelandă
Kiri Te Kanawa Theatre, Aotea CentreAuckland
Sydney, Australia
Capitol TheatreSydney
America latină
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Teatro ÓperaBuenos Aires
Mexico City, Mexic
Auditorio NacionalMexico City
São Paulo, Brazilia
Bradesco TheaterSão Paulo
Guadalajara, Mexic
Conjunto Santande Artes Escenicas, Universidad de GuadalajaraGuadalajara
Porto Alegre, Brazilia
Teatro FIERGSPorto Alegre